Just Spices DE
We have collected 122 spices for you from all over the world. 48 spice mixtures are just waiting to refine your dishes.
You can now discover millions of exciting, great, and unusual spice combinations for yourself.
Have you also been in despair when cooking in the past, because you need exactly 2 grams of cardamom pods or a pinch of turmeric for a certain dish? Are you also sick of having to buy an entire bag of spices for mini portions? Because this is exactly how we felt one evening cooking with friends. We wanted to prepare an Indian dish – with what felt like 100 different spices. Annoying to buy all in individual bags. And expensive! And it was exactly on that evening that we had the idea for Just Spices. Because: Why not simply assemble your spice mixture individually? And why shouldn't you be able to buy spices in small amounts? We, that is Florian, Ole, and Bela from Düsseldorf (ok, Ole actually lives in Cologne, but that is a different topic). We are passionate amateur chefs and lovers of good taste. That's why we have made it our mission to bring more spices to your kitchen. You are to experiment. You are to enjoy yourself when cooking. You are to cook an African dish for once and not only noodles with pesto – again. And that's why we have founded Just Spices.